Wow. So we went to Greece last weekend for a couple of shows, and it utterly blew our heads off. The people, the food, the landscape, the good. time. fucking. vibes. We love you Greece. We'd like to thank the following people who aided and assisted us along the trip, including - the incredible Elina of Smoke The Fuzz (The brains and heart behind the entire operation) who booked us to play and pampered us to the point of decadence, Christos and Stef who hosted and promoted the show in Thessaloniki, Dimitris and Alex for driving us to and from the airport and Thessalonki and Athens. Lunarmare and Circassian for playing with us at the shows, Elena, Nikos, George and everyone who provided wonderful company, all the people who came out to see us play, and not forgetting, the national drink, RAKI! Stay tuned Greece, we'll be back in your arms as soon as possible!
In other news, we're very happy to announce that the first LP containing recordings (or rather, a single recording split across two sides) from our stint in a little cottage in the highlands last year, is released today on shiny vinyl. A Limited edition run of 800, 'Easterfaust' is released by Sound of Cobra (our main man Ricky Biondetti's label). The front cover artwork was made by uber-talented collage maestro, Bryan Olson, and you should go check out his websitehere, his work is simply incredible.